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Mestoklema thru Uncarina

RC = rooted cutting

* = only advertised on the web site due to limited quantities


MESTOKLEMA tuberosa (MESEMBRYANTHEMACEAE) - #6871 - 6"pot - $15.00 - shrubby ice plant relative, brown-skinned roots thicken eventually and can be raised for effect, branches bear soft green leaves and coppery orange flower

*MOMORDICA rostrata NEW (LIMIT 3) (CURCURBITACEAE) - #5746 - .5"wide x 1.3"tall seedling - $6.00 - caudiciform cucurbit from NE Africa, in cultivation it makes a pleated teardrop shaped caudex with leafy vines during the summer, small unisexual yellow flowers, soft bright orange fruit, 9 to 1 male to female ratio, these are too small to flower so there is no way to sex them,

*OPERCULECARYA pachypus NEW (LIMIT 3) (ANACARDIACEAE) - #8865 - 3.25"pot - $15.00 - dwarf Madagascan tree, great for bonsai, thick tuberous roots can be raised for effect, stem will thicken with age, sometimes becoming warty and sometimes smoother, dark shiny compound leaves will drop in winter 

*PACHYPODIUM bispinosum x P. succulentum NEW (LIMIT 3) (APOCYNACEAE) - #9881 - 3.25"pot - $8.00 - some creature did unauthorized hybridizing, these are the second generation of hybrids, the plants look like P. bispinosum, but the flowers have a shallower narrower throat than P. bispinosum

P. succulentum - #7445.3 - 3.25"pot - $7.00 - pencil-thick green stem from thick carrot-like taproot, long narrow green leaves, small brown spines, large pink flowers

PLEIOSPILOS nelii (AIZOACEAE) - #7463 - 2.25"pot - $4.00 - fat paired leaves with minute dots form a round body, large unscented orange flowers

TUMAMOCA macdougallii (CUCURBITACEAE) - #8526.2 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - native from southern Arizona to Sonora Mexico, mature plants have white underground lobed caudex, annual vines with dissected leaves, small white flowers and red fruit in summer

UNCARINA roeoesliana (PEDALIACEAE) - #7798 - 3.25"pot - $7.00 - smallest of the genus that can flower in a 3.25" pot, making low shrub to 3' tall with thick roots that can be raised, fuzzy light green leaves, 1"+ yellow flowers, fruit with 4-pronged barbs

* = only advertised on the web site due to limited quantities

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