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<Back Home Next>Dorstenia thru JacaratiaRC = rooted cutting* = only advertised on the web site due to limited quantities
* DORSTENIA sp. nova LAV10341 (LIMIT 2) (MORACEAE) - #9783 - 1"tall seedlings - $6.00 - light green stem with oval green leaves, this LAV numbered species has been in cultivation for decades*EUPHORBIA francoisii (LIMIT 3) (EUPHORBIACEAE) - #9488 - 4"potRC - $9.00 - these are well-rooted, branching cuttings from a number of different clones, rooted cuttings will eventually form thick roots that can be raised for effect E. knuthii (LIMIT 2) - #5515 - 4"pot - $15.00 - nice seedlings of this tuberous species, long clambering mottled green and white stems with small paired black spines, roots can be raised for effect E. obesa (LIMIT 5 of each sex) - 1"+seedlings, Basketball Plant, almost extinct in habitat but common in cultivation, round green body becomes columnar with age, sexes on separate plants, which sometimes switch female plants - #5672 - $6.00 male plants - #5673 - $6.00 E. suzannae (LIMIT 5) - #6796 - 1.3"seedlings - $6.00 - initially round dark green ball covered with short soft spikes, forms clusters in time to over 6", sexes on separate plants E. symmetrica (LIMIT 3) - #6795 - 1.4"seedlings - $6.00 - low green stem considered a subspecies of E. obesa, it differs in that the stems are more uniformly green, smoother with flattened or indented ribs, they also tend to cluster with age and remain shorter, they are also single-sexed like E. obesa, but mature plants will often have 3 cyathia per node although not all develop *FAUCARIA tuberculosa (LIMIT 2) (AIZOACEAE) - #7895 - 2.75"pot - $5.00 - paired fleshy green leaves with teeth at margins, growths from warts to large carbuncles in upper faces of the leaves, large yellow flowers *FOCKEA edulis (LIMIT 2) (APOCYNACEAE) - #7062 - 3.25"pot - $8.00 - vining caudiciform, thick white-skinned root can be raised for effect, vines with 1"-long green leaves with wavy edges FOUQUIERIA macdougalii NEW (LIMIT 5) (FOUQIERIACEAE) - #7898 - 4"tall - $6.00 - Sonoran Tree Ocotillo, spiny brown stems bear green leaves, forms small tree in time, bright red flowers *GASTERIA armstrongii (LIMIT 3) (ASPHODELACEAE) - #7065.2 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - fat shiny rough green tongue-like leaves, spikes of pink flowers, clusters well G. 'Frosty' - #7073 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - rooted offsets, leaves mottled light and dark green *G. glomerata - #9271 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - rooted offsets of selected clones with fat blue-green leaves, makes nice clusters, spikes of rich orange flowersG. liliputana - #7068 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - rooted offsets of this diminutive species, fleshy mottled green and white leaves with sharp tips, short spikes of pink and white flowers, clusters readily G. 'Little Warty' - #8011 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - old hybrid, upright rough gray-green leaves with stripes of darker green near the middle, pink and green flowers, makes large clusters G. 'Polliwog' - #9567 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - G. armstrongii hybrid with fairly short smooth dark green leaves, clusters and makes nice specimen G. 'Sakura Fuji' - #9150 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - (we offered this as 'Silver Fuji' in the past) thick silvery gray and green leaves sometimes with a bit of purple, the colors run in lines the length of the leaves, occasionally throws a normal green and white offset *G. 'Sakura Fuji' variegate (LIMIT 2) - #9276 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - (we offered this as just 'Sakura Fuji' in the past), fat boldly variegated green and white leaves, makes nice clustersG. verrucosa (LIMIT 3) - #8079 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - long dark green leaves with dense white raised bumps, clusters sparingly (ASPHODELACEAE) - #9188 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - attractive hybrid of Aloe variegata and a Gasteria, chunky upright leaves mottled green & gray-green, rosettes can grow over 6", clusters from base, pinkish flowers in springGRAHAMIA coahuilense (ANACAMPSEROTACEAE) - #5769 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - Mexican species with light green succulent leaves on thin limp stems from small tuberous roots, self-fertile pink flowers in the afternoons in summer (ASPHODELACEAE) - #8371 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - thin green leaves with faint yellow striping, raised white bumps, makes large clustersH. attenuata 'Wet Paint' - #9363 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - upright narrow dark green leaves with irregular white dots and splotches, makes nice clusters H. coarctata v. coarctata - #7114 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - rooted cuttings of this compact species, 1"+ thick stems of short, dark green, curved, claw-like leaves with raised white dots, makes nice clumps in time H. cooperi v. cooperi - #7116 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - rosettes of windowed leaves grow to about 3" and make large clusters, leaves are more pointed than v. truncata H. cooperi v. truncata (LIMIT 3) - #8041 - ~1"rosettes - $5.00 - Bolo Reserve form, dwarf rosette with rounded windowed leaves H. decipiens - #9474 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - thin light green leaves with soft toothy margins on sides and back, rosette forms a ball, old leaves accumulate around sides *H. emelyae v. multifolia - #7122 - 2.75"pot - $5.00 - low green rosette with small windowed leaves with long pointed tips, clusters slowly *H. herrei v. jacobseniana (LIMIT 2) - #7128 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - upturned small stiff blue-green leaves, forms small clusters H. limifolia - #6927 - 2.25"pot - $4.00 - (Fairy Washboard) low dark green leaves form flat rosette, parallel ridges run across the leaves H. 'Manda's hybrid' - #7179 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - bright green pointed leaves make 2.5"-wide rosettes, makes 6" clusters with time H. maughanii x. H. truncata - #7139 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - old hybrid, rough windowed leaves are brown in high light, forms nice clusters *H. mirabilis v. calcarea - #8094 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - rosettes to almost 3", will form larger clusters, short upright leaves with small teeth on edges, purplish in bright light*H. mirabilis v. notabilis (LIMIT 2) - #9572 - 1.5"rosettes - $5.00 - narrow leaves with serrated edges, reddish in bright light H. resendeana - #7153 - 2.25"pot - $4.00 - short stout pointed dark green leaves form upright stems that will cluster from the base H. retusa fma. geraldii - #7157 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - heavy dark green leaves with flat windowed top, makes large clusters H. retusa v. acuminata - #7158 - 3.25"pot - $7.00 - fat windowed leaves form a low rosette up to 4", offsets sparingly *H. venosa ssp. tesselata 'Fang' (LIMIT 2) - #8825 - 2.25"pot - $6.00 - very attractive wild clone collected in the 1990s or earlier, large windowed dark green leaves, tends to throw stolons out of the bottom of the pot but not as much as the generic H. venosa ssp. tesselata H. viscosa 'caespitosa' - #7175 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - dark green leaves form three-angled upright stem *IBERVILLEA tenuisecta (LIMIT 3) (CUCURBITACEAE) - #9690 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - (Jarilla Mtns, NM) underground caudex with white skin, in habitat it makes a disk-like caudex but in cultivation is more of a top shape, still it can grow to 6", sexes on separate plants, small yellow flowers, 1cm round red fruit I. sonorae "peninsulae" NEW (LIMIT 3) - #7191 - 2.25"pot - $8.00 - this line is from Baja, CA but might be identical to those from Sonora MX, conical caudex with textured white bark, vines during the summer have rough green leaves, small unisexual yellow flowers on separate plants, small red fruits on female plants JACARATIA corumbensis NEW (LIMIT 3) (CARICACEAE) - #5828 - 3.25"pot - $7.00 - (= J. hasseleriana) caudiciform tree from South America in the papaya family, brown bark, thick tuberous root can be raised for effect, dioecious (separate male and female plants), dark green lobed leaves drop in the winter, odd pink and green fruit * = only advertised on the web site due to limited quantities <Back Home Next> |