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Echinopsis thru Malacocarpus

G-SG = grafted on Stenocereus griseus G-HJ = grafted on Harrisia jusbertii RC = rooted cutting

* = only advertised on the web site due to limited quantities

For other species included in Echinopsis also see: Acanthocalycium, Lobivia, Soehrensia, Trichocereus

ECHINOPSIS subdenudata 'Fuzzy Navel' - #8705 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - round matte green stem, spineless fuzzy areoles, long-tubed white flowers in summer

*EPITHELANTHA greggii ssp. greggii NEW (LIMIT 2) - #9491 - 1"tall seedling - $6.00 - SB321, Cuesta La Muralla, Coah. MX, soft upright stem with dense minute off-white spines, pinkish-white flowers, not self-fertile, just flowering size

FEROCACTUS emoryi ssp. rectispinus (LIMIT 3) - #9868 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - West of San Francisco del la Sierra, BCS, stout gray-green body, columnar to several feet when mature, red and grayish spines, central spines on mature plants can grow to more than 4" long 

F. fordii - #7561 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - small-growing species from Baja, CA, dark green stem, stout tan and brown spines age to gray, violet flowers in later winter, will flower at a little over 3"

*F. glaucescens 'inermis' (LIMIT 3) - #7050 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - light green stems with few thin yellow spines, as they mature they will stop producing spines, small yellow flowers when larger

F. herrerae (LIMIT 3) - #9882 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - SW of Quiriego, SON, MX, solitary club-shaped green stem as seedling, stout columnar body when mature, tan to red-brown spines with hooked central spines, yellow to orange flower when mature

F. pottsii (LIMIT 3) - #9074 - 3.25"pot - $7.00 - matte green stem, sparse erect tan spines, forms large round stem, yellow flowers when mature 

F. townsendianus - #8181- 4"pot - $9.00 - matte green stem, sparse thick spines, heavy black hooked central spine when mature

F. wislizenii (yellow-spined) - #9452 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - from yellow-spined plants in the Tucson area, yellow flowers, otherwise typical growth for this large green-stemmed barrel cactus with hooked central spines

*FRAILEA parviflora (LIMIT 3) - #9554 - .7"plant - $5.00 - low dark green stem with thick taproot, sparse small yellow spines held close, yellow flowers

F. tenuissima v. albiseta - #9650 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - low green stem with short yellow spines, clusters eventually, yellow flowers

Gymnocactus - see Turbinicarpus

GYMNOCALYCIUM baldianum - #5505 - 1.25"plant - $4.00 - solitary low light green stem, short tan spines held close to the body, bright orange to red flowers

G. bruchii ssp. bruchii - #5507 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - low gray-green stem with soft white spines held close to the body, will cluster, pale pink flowers in the spring, plants are female or male but these have not been sexed

*G. chiquitanum (LIMIT 2) - #8026 - 2.75"pot - $5.00 - low light green stem, long curved yellow or brown spines gray with age, nice pink flowers, can make large clusters in time

G. damsii v. tucavocense - #7870 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - solitary flattened green stem with some purple on the "chins", short erect tan spines, light pink flowers for much of the growing season, flowering size

G. ferrarii - #7932 - 1.25"plant - $5.00 - low purplish-green stem with brownish spines held close, light pink flowers

G. friedrichii - #7091 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - small solitary stem, young plants have white lines on the ribs of the green to reddish stem, short erect brown spines, pink flowers for much of the growing season, flowering size

*G. lukasikii (LIMIT 3) - #9577 - 1.25"plant - $5.00 - low soft purple to green stem, short light spines held close, light pink flowers

G. marsoneri - #9878 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - low dark green stem with thick gray-brown spines held close, whitish flower when mature

G. schatzlianum - #8213 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - low gray-green body, short tan spines, large light yellow flower, flowering size

*G. schroederianum ssp. boessii (LIMIT 3) - #9794 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - low dark green body with short whitish spines held close, white flowers with long tube, flowering size

G. triacanthum (LIMIT 3) - #5688 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - low dark olive green stem, 3-5 short tan spines held close to the body, whitish flowers

HOMALOCEPHALA texensis (LIMIT 3) - #9880 - 1"plant - $5.00 - (=Echinocactus tex.) (6666 Ranch, Guthrie, TX) Horse Crippler, low gray-green stem, when mature has thick ribs with stout spines and erect central spines, large pink flower with darker center (this image is a generic seed grown specimen, not from 6666 Ranch)

*KROENLEINIA (ECHINOCACTUS) grusonii 'Plastic' NEW (LIMIT 1) - #8759 - 1.5"seedling - $10.00 - probably the same mutation as "brevispinus" but with a different origin, it popped up in a batch of 250,000 normal seedlings in the mid '90s in Tucson, originally called 'Plasticus' this is being offered officially for the first time as 'Plastic' because latinized names are not allowed, so named because it looks like the plastic cactus sold at craft stores

LEUCHTENBERGIA principis - #5517 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - genetically belongs with Ferocactus and Leuchtenbergia is older, so Ferocactus should be Leuchtenbergia, but either way this is an unusual species, long blue-green tubercles with a triangular cross-section tipped with long papery yellow spines, large yellow flower, large taproot on mature plants can be raised for effect

LOBIVIA leucomalla - #5687 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - eventually columnar dark green stem densely covered in glassy white spines, large yellow flowers in summer

L. longispina - #7951 - 3.25"pot - $7.00 - this is supposedly a form of L. ferox, which is quite variable, low solitary shiny light green body, long tan central spines with small hook, large bright pink flower, flowering size

L. pojoensis v. grandiflora - #5520 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - (= L. calorubra) low shiny dark green solitary stem, short straw-colored spines, large dark red flower, just flowering size

L. prestoana - #7885 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - a form of L. cinnabarina, very low green stem, short curved yellowish spines, large bright red flowers

L. purpureomineata - #8435 - 3.25"pot - $7.00 - green stems cluster from base, short tan spines, large dark reddish flowers

L. schreiteri - #8775 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - low dark green stem from thick taproot forms small clusters, brown spines, clear red flowers

*L. teigeliana v. castanae (LIMIT 3) - #8124 - 1.25"plant - $5.00 - low dark green stem clusters with age, short curved red and yellow spines held close, dark pink flowers

L. winteriana - #7236 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - solitary egg-shaped stem, short light brown spines, large bright pink flowers

MALACOCARPUS erinaceus - #9833 - 3.25"pot - $7.00 - (also found as Notocactus and Parodia) low dark green solitary stem, short tan spines with dark tips, small bright yellow flowers when mature

* = only advertised on the web site due to limited quantities

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