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Soehrensia thru Turbinicarpus

G-SG = grafted on Stenocereus griseus G-HJ = grafted on Harrisia jusbertii RC = rooted cutting

* = only advertised on the web site due to limited quantities


SOEHRENSIA uebelmanniana - #8380 - 3.25"pot - $7.00 - when mature solitary stem grows to 5" thick and about 1 foot tall, dense yellow and chestnut spines, large bright yellow flowers

*STENOCACTUS coptonogonus NEW (LIMIT 3) - #9775 - 1.4"plant - $5.00 - low gray-green stem with few heavy ribs, sparse upcurved grayish spines, light pink flower in winter

*S. crispatus "Palmillas" P1047 (LIMIT 3) - #8326 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - round stem becomes shortly columnar when mature, long grass-like yellow central spines, white flowers with light pink midstripe

S. lamellosus - #8355 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - dark green body with thick wavy ribs, sparse stout dark brown spines, long central spines when mature, purple flower with white margins

S. longispinus NEW (LIMIT 5) - #5595 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - green body, wavy ribs, dense yellow spines, longer central spines, white to pink flowers in spring when larger

*S. multicostatus SB1147 (LIMIT 3) - #7675 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - low dark green stem covered in many super-fine ribs, sparse yellow to tan radial spines and flexible longer central spines, pink and white flower in spring

S. phyllacanthus v. violaciflorus - #8780 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - dark green body with extra thick wavy ribs, sparse short stout grayish spines with black tips, white flowers with purple midstripes

*S. sp. nova Lau 738 (LIMIT 3) - #5597 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - (Cinco de Mayo, Coahuila, MX) low dark green stem with many sharp wavy ribs, dark spines, stout erect central spines, white flower with pink midstripe (this plant has been in the trade for decades as from "Rio de Mayo" but no Stenocactus are native to Sonora, MX)

S. sp. nova RI 8 (LIMIT 5) - #8348 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - (= S. crispatus?, have not found the collection number to confirm) dark green stem with many thick waxy ribs, sparse tan and brown spines, light pink and white flowers in the winter

*SULCOREBUTIA caniquerallii EM348 (LIMIT 1) - #9454 - 3.25"potG-HJ - $10.00 - grafted clusters, dark green tuberculate stems with short spines held close, dark red flowers with orange center

*S. gerosenilis (LIMIT 1) - #9180 - 3.25"potG-HJ - $10.00 - grafted offsets, purplish clustering stems wrapped in springy curly white spines, large light pink flower

THELOCACTUS bicolor ssp. flavidispinus (LIMIT 3) - #5601 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - solitary stem with dense red and yellow spines and short central spine, eventually shortly columnar, huge flowers mostly pink petals with a white band and then reddish center

T. bicolor v. pottsii NEW (LIMIT 3) - #8350 - 1.25"plant - $5.00 - SB77, Jimenez, CHI, MX, chunky green body, stout yellow and red spines, erect cental spine when mature, pale pink flower with darker center

T. buekii ssp. matudae - #7947 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - long tubercles topped with erect yellowish spines, solitary green stem can grow to more than 8", large dark pink flowers

T. conothelos ssp. argenteus NEW (LIMIT 5) - #9850 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - green body covered in dense white spines, pink flowers when mature

*T. conothelos ssp. flavus NEW (LIMIT 3) - #7644 - 1"plant - $5.00 - eventually shortly columnar dark green body, large tubercles bear long stout white and brown spines, large yellow flowers when mature

T. hexaedrophorus NEW (LIMIT 5) - #5602 - 1.3"plant - $5.00 - soft bluish body, large tubercles bear stout white and red spines, white flowers when larger

T. setispinus v. setispinus - #5514 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - (also = Hamatocactus setis., Ferocactus bicolor) solitary green stem, thin ribs, sparsely spined with yellow radials and dark hooked centrals, yellow flowers and small red fruit

TRICHOCEREUS tarijensis hybrid? - #9844 - 3.25"pot - $7.00 - from T. tarijensis DJF283 that was open pollinated, they look like the parent plant but are not yet flowering size, round green stem, dense erect tan to brown spines, parent plant forms a stout shortly columnar stem with bright yellow flowers

TURBINICARPUS pseudomacrochele (LIMIT 3) - #5605 - ~.75"plant - $6.00 - club-shaped gray-green stem from thick taproot, wispy soft tan and white spines, large white flower with pink midstripe

*T. saueri ssp. nelissae NEW (LIMIT 3) - #8498 - .9"plant - $6.00 - low solitary blue-green stem, white semi-erect spines, the longer spines with black tips, light pink flowers in winter

T. saueri ssp. nieblae (LIMIT 3) - #9549 - .9"+plant - $6.00 - (Sierra San Carlos, TAM, MX), rarely offered, low green stem, sparse short tan spines, whitish flowers in spring

T. saueri ssp. ysabelae - #7079 - 1"plant - $6.00 - round stem covered in short curved black-tipped tan spines, small white flower in spring

* = only advertised on the web site due to limited quantities

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