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Home Next>Ariocarpus thru EchinocereusG-SG = grafted on Stenocereus griseus G-HJ = grafted on Harrisia jusbertii RC = rooted cutting * = only advertised on the web site due to limited quantities
ARIOCARPUS fissuratus ssp. bravoanus (LIMIT 3) - #8676 - .65"seedling - $15.00 - SLP, MX, dwarf southern subspecies, upright rough dark green tubercles form small rosette 3"-4" across, light pink flower in fall, these are very close to flowering size *A. fissuratus ssp. fissuratus NEW (LIMIT 2) - #5094 - .85"seedling - $10.00 - this line originated from west Texas, dark green heavily textured triangular tubercles form rosettes up to 5" after many years, large light pink flowers, these are within a year or so of flowering *A. fissuratus ssp. hintonii NEW (LIMIT 2) - #6901 - .75"seedling - $15.00 - from northern San Luis Potosi, Mexico, smaller than A. fissuratus with deeply fissured dark green tubercles when mature, pink flowers in the fall *A. hybrid #11 (LIMIT 2) - #8719 - 1"seedling - $10.00 - (A. retusus ssp. retusus x A. fissuratus)F2, from a smaller growing form of A. retusus, lower rosette of often rough gray tubercles that may not grow to more than 6", pink flowers when mature A. retusus Mina San Rafael form - #6898 - 1"seedling - $10.00 - dwarf form of A. retusus, gray-green tubercles are narrow and rosettes only grow to about 6" across, white flowers when mature, many of these are flowering size A. retusus v. furfuraceus (LIMIT 5) - #5098 - 1"seedling - $10.00 - Las Tablas, SLP, MX, generic tubercle shapes that tend to have fairly fat gray-green tubercles eventually forming a stem more than 8" in diameter, large white flowers in the fall when mature A, retusus v. furfuraceus 'Pointy' (LIMIT 5) - #9717 - 1"seedling - $10.00 - phenotype from Las Tablas, SLP, MX selectively bred, gray-green tubercles with fat base that tapers to a sharp narrow point, white flowers in fall when matureA. retusus ssp. panarottoi (LIMIT 3) - #9342 - 1"seedling - $10.00 - low rosette of green-gray tubercles as long as wide, tubercle edges have a thicker "rolled" edge when larger, flowers white or with a little blush of pink *A. retusus ssp. pectinatus (LIMIT 3) - #8820 - .7"seedling - $15.00 - dwarf form with narrow gray tubercles, areoles of mature plants are elongated with a line of short spines, white flowers when plants are about 1.5" across A. retusus ssp. retusus (LIMIT 5) - #5443 - 1"seedling - $10.00 - southern form of this species, long gray tubercles form solitary stems up to 10" in diameter, white flowers in fall when mature A. retusus ssp. retusus "scaphirostroides" (LIMIT 5) - #5445 - 1"seedling - $10.00 - upright narrow gray-green tubercles, solitary low stem grows to 8" or more, white flowers when mature *A. retusus ssp. trigonus (LIMIT 3) - #5102 - 1"seedling - $10.00 - forms a low rosette of stiff olive-green tubercles that curve up and inward like claws, large yellow flower in the fall when mature *A. retusus ssp. trigonus v. horacekii NEW (LIMIT 2) - #9130 - .75"seedling - $15.00 - miniature variety growing no larger than 5" in extreme age, olive-green tubercles are narrower and shorter than typical "trigonus", large yellow flower, many of these are already flowering size ASTROPHYTUM capricorne v. niveum aff. nudum - #9224 - 1.3"plant - $5.00 - stem mostly without flecking, develops very stout curved spines that are grayish when mature, large yellow flower has orange center *A. coahuilense NEW (LIMIT 3) - #5726 - 1.5"seedling - $5.00 - species from Coahuila and Durango, Mexico, stout 5-ribbed stem covered in dense white flecking that sometimes wicks up salts and tannins from the soil, stems grow up to 5" thick and more than 12" tall after many years, flowers are bright yellow with a red center, this species is most closely related to A. asterias and A. capricorne A. myriostigma - #9673 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - from North of Las Palomas, SLP MEX, five-ribbed stem with fine flecking as seedling, produces more ribs as mature plant, yellow flowers when mature A. myriostigma "nudum" - #5451- 2.25"pot - $5.00 - five-ribbed stem, dark green, no white flecking, yellow flower when larger *A. myriostigma v. columnare NEW (LIMIT 2) - #9635 - 1.4"seedling - $5.00 - seedlings with 4- or 5-ribbed stems with dense white flecking, small solid yellow flowers when mature, upright narrow stems to no more than 4" thick, when mature will make up to 8 ribs with areoles closely spaced *A. myriostigma v. strongylogonum Las Tablas, SLP MEX (LIMIT 3) - #9772 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - Las Tablas, SLP MEX, five-ribbed stem with fine flecking, yellow flower when larger *AZTEKIUM ritteri NEW (LIMIT 1) - #6962 - 1"grafted offsetG-MG - $15.00 - from Nuevo Leon where it grows on vertical limestone cliffs, grafted on Myrtillocactus, low light green stems with odd texture, sparse minute brown spines, small pink flowers, forms nice clusters in a couple of years *A. valdezii NEW (LIMIT 1) - #9801 - .85"grafted offsetG-MG - $15.00 - from Nuevo Leon, the newest species, described in 2010, grafted on Myrtillocactus, light green clustering stems with deep ridges typical of the genus, largest flowers in the genus, dark pink with white centerECHINOCACTUS parryi (LIMIT 5) - #8760 - 1.25"seedling - $8.00 - rarely available species, solitary blue-green stem, deep sharp ribs, stout tan and reddish spines, yellow flower with red center when mature (there was an error on the size first posted as 1.5"seedling, the correct size is 1.25" seedling) *ECHINOCEREUS lauii (LIMIT 3) - #5291 - 1.1"seedling - $5.00 - small green stems will cluster, dense short soft white spines, pink flowers in spring *E. ledingii NEW (LIMIT 3) - #5292 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - from southeastern Arizona, upright green stems with erect yellow spines, pink flowers when mature E. pacificus (LIMIT 3) - #5297 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - from Baja, CA, green stems will form clusters to 12" or more, erect straw-colored spines with darker tips, bright red tubular flower in summer when mature *E. reichenbachii (miniature form) (LIMIT 3) - #8872 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - solitary club-shaped stem densely covered in short tan spines, large tricolored flower, pink then white and red in the center E. reichenbachii v. baileyi (LIMIT 3) - #9328 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - (Altus, OK) upright green stems, dense white and orange spines, light pink flower E. reichenbachii v. perbellus (LIMIT 3) - #9373 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - Crane Co. TX, somewhat conical green stem, dense short, semi-erect white spines with black tips gives a shaggy look, pale pink flower E. scheeri ssp. gentryi - #5315 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - seedlings starting to cluster, finger-thick almost spineless dark green stems, large pink flower with long tube * = only advertised on the web site due to limited quantities