Miles' To Go Home Page

General Information (ordering, shipping, etc

PDF Order Form

New Items Updated 02/20/25

Out of Stock Updated 03/18/25


Ariocarpus - Echinocereus

Echinopsis - Malacocarpus


Matucana - Oreocereus

Rebutia - Weingartia

Crested & Monstrose Cacti


Asclepiads (Stapeliads)

Adenium - Crassula

Dorstenia - Jacaratia


Matelea - Uncarina


Tools, Books, etc.

Downloadable Plant List

PDF Order Form


Providing quality plants for over 34 years

Miles' To Go

Cactus and Succulent Webalog Spring 2025

Welcome to our web site. We add new items to the web site in February, June, and September. In 2025 we will only be mailing a plant list once, in the spring via the Postal Service. If you would like to be on our mailing list just email us your postal address.

ALL PLANTS ARE SHIPPED BARE ROOT. Cacti and hardier succulents are allowed to dry before they are wrapped to prevent rot in shipment. Tender leafy succulents have their roots wrapped in a paper towel moistened with antiseptic chinosol solution and plastic wrap.

UPDATED 03/18/2025

- The web site was updated for Spring 2025 on 02/20/25.

- The 2025 Plant List was mailed on Friday February 28th 2025. 

- Please check the OUT OF STOCK PAGE before placing your order.

- In general, shipping days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

- In addition to credit cards, checks and money orders we accept Paypal payments.  Please read the guidelines below before making your payments through paypal.

   1. Do not sent paypal payments for your order until we confirm the total cost and availability of the items.

   2. Either a) Fill out our pdf order form with the email address you want billed with paypal in the credit card field,

       or b) send an email with your name, shipping address, the email you want charged with paypal and the items you wish to order.

       Please include the quantity, catalog number, name of the item and price. 

    3. Once we have your order and shipping information you will be emailed an invoice and billed with paypal.

- Feel free to ask if you don't see an item previously listed since we often have some odds and ends sitting around.



Miles Anderson

We have very limited quantities of the items marked with an asterisk ( * ).  These items are available only on the web site and not in the printed catalog.

Miles' To Go - P.O. Box 6 - Cortaro, AZ 85652

Phone - 520.682.7272 (landline, cannot receive texts)

Fax - 520.682.0480

Email -

Hours for phone orders noon-5:00PM Mon.-Fri. (although I am available many mornings as well).


If you have any questions, or would like to receive a plant list via the US Mail, please email us at (

This Page Updated: March 18th, 2025