Miles' To Go Home Page

General Information (ordering, shipping, etc

PDF Order Form

New Items Updated 02/20/25

Out of Stock Updated 03/18/25


Ariocarpus - Echinocereus

Echinopsis - Malacocarpus


Matucana - Oreocereus

Rebutia - Weingartia

Crested & Monstrose Cacti


Asclepiads (Stapeliads)

Adenium - Crassula

Dorstenia - Jacaratia


Matelea - Uncarina


Tools, Books, etc.

Downloadable Plant List

PDF Order Form



MILES' TO GO - P.O. BOX 6 - CORTARO, AZ 85652 - 520-682-7272 (landline, cannot receive texts) - FAX 520-682-0480


INFORMATION POLICY: We do not share or sell our mailing or emailing information with anyone.

ALL PLANTS ARE SHIPPED BARE ROOT. Cacti and hardier succulents are allowed to dry before they are wrapped to prevent rot in shipment. Tender leafy succulents have their roots wrapped in a paper towel moistened with antiseptic chinosol solution and plastic wrap.


Shipping Charges:  Please use chart below to calculate shipping charges for your order.

For orders under $25 add $15.00 for shipping by Priority Mail
For orders from $25 to $49.99 add $10.00 for shipping by Priority Mail
For orders $50 and over free shipping by Priority Mail
We no longer offer the option of Express Mail

Catalog Number: Please include the catalog number which appears with each plant entry in order to speed up the processing of your order.

Email Orders: At the current time we do not have a secured server and do not recommend emailing credit card numbers.  If we have your credit card number on file, email us your order and include just the last 4 digits and exp. date of your credit card as verification.  You may email your order and we will hold it for you until we receive (via phone, fax or mail) payment information.

Fax Orders: You may fax your order to 520-682-0480 at any time.

Foreign Orders: We cannot ship outside the United States and her territories.

Minimum order: We have no minimum order but there is a shipping charge for some orders (See Shipping Charges.)

Payment: We accept checks, money orders, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, and American Express.

Paypal - We accept Paypal payments.  Please read the guidelines below before making your payments through paypal.

    1. Do not sent paypal payments for your order until we confirm the total cost and availability of the items.

    2. Either a) Fill out our pdf order form with the email address you want billed with paypal in the credit card field,

        or b) send an email with your name, shipping address, the email you want charged with paypal and the items you wish to order. Please include the

        quantity, catalog number, name of the item and price. 

    3. Once we have your order and shipping information you will be emailed an invoice and billed with paypal.

Plant Size: Unless otherwise specified, the plants will fit into the pot size indicated.

Phone Orders: (520-682-7272) We try to be available for phone orders from noon-5pm Mon-Fri. We are certainly here more than that, but avoid calling before 7am or after 7pm.

Plant lists and mailings: We do 3 major updates of the web site per year and send out our plant lists at that time.

Processing Time: We try to pull the plants for your order within a day of receiving it and process and ship within a week. We ship on Monday and Tuesday so that the order will arrive in that week. If you do not receive your order within four weeks of sending it, please notify us -- the United States Postal Service is not infallible.

For orders by Arizona residents or shipped to Arizona please add 6.1% for state sales tax.

Shipping Charges:  Please use chart below to calculate shipping charges for your order.

for orders under $25 add $15.00 for shipping by Priority Mail
for orders between $25 and $50 add $10.00 for shipping by Priority Mail
for orders over $50 free shipping by Priority Mail
We no longer offer the option of Express Mail

Shipping and Weather: While we ship all year and pack the plants to protect them from some cold, we cannot guarantee that they will not be damaged from prolonged freezing temperatures. If you order during the winter months, take your weather conditions into consideration.  Postal Carrier Release allows the postal carrier to deliver a large parcel to your residence when they would not otherwise.

Substitutes: We do our best to provide the plants you order, but some quantities are limited. If you list substitutes we can select plants of equal or greater value; or if you prefer, we can give you credit toward your next order or a refund. If you are paying by credit card, you will be charged only for the plants that are available.

When Your Order Arrives: After bare-rooting your plants, we allow a day or so for the roots to heal before packing them. They will be ready to pot as soon as it is convenient for you. When you receive your order, unpack it immediately. If any plants are damaged, please notify us. (WARNING- Cacti and succulents are dangerous if treated improperly. Plants in the Euphorbiaceae and the Apocynaceae have irritating or toxic sap. Many of the succulents are armed with an array of spines, thorns, and other protective structures which can cause physical injury. The customer assumes all responsibility for handling our plants with care.)


We produce all of our own grafts and are always trying to improve them. We prefer Harrisia jusbertii & Stenocereus griseus for grafting cacti because they are long lived and have a longer growing season than many other species. There is no universal grafting stock, however, so we will be using other species that are found to be superior for specific applications. By grafting we can provide you with rare plants at a reasonable price.
